You are welcome to get the paper fixed for free with our revision policy and get the refund according to our money back policy.
Sure, we offer only original and unique papers to you. Each completed order is checked through our plagiarism detecting system before sending to you.
We have both services for writing from scratch and for fixing you paper completed (rewriting, editing, proofreading). To learn more kindly contact our support team.
The price for your order depends on the selection of the academic level, number of pages and deadline you give for the order completion. The price quote can be calculated on the pricing page and by the customer support representative.
Kindly check the possibility to upload files on “My account” page after you have placed the order.
We are the UK based company and our head office is in London, Surrey. There are also a few support team offices in Europe.
The paper is completed specifically for you and is never published on our website.
We have the professional team of academic writers who are experienced in the completion of papers and have Master`s and higher academic degrees.
You can select any deadline you need, whether it is 4 hours or 14 days and we will never complete the paper later than that time from the moment you pay.